


This system business process
L card card, membership card, card, card, quarterly, annual card, billing card, student card, the old card, VIP card, gold card, the silver card, masonry card, such as 15 types of card, can choose when handling card Settings;
L card effect is the same, and general tickets can only be corresponding to the point of consumption credit and only one brush, then can be used by staff to recycle top-up again;
L membership card need prepaid phone, fill the specified amount to give amount (give credits) can be set up, after can be in any point of consumption credit, consumption can be prepaid phone again after;
L on CARDS and membership card remained roughly the same function, only have one more can set a deadline of function: if the limit date, not finish consumption amount will be automatically reset, to ? again
l 卡片分普通卡、会员卡、月卡、次卡、季度卡、年卡、计费卡、学生卡、老人卡、VIP卡、金卡、银卡、砖石卡、等15种卡类型,在时可以选择设置;
l 普通卡和一般作用相同,只能在对应消费点刷卡并只能刷一次,之后可由工作人员再次充值使用;
l 会员卡需要先充值,充指定金额可获赠送金额(可设置赠送额度),之后可在任意消费点刷卡,消费完后可再次充值消费;
l 月卡和会员卡大致功能相同,只多了一个可以设置限定日期的功能:如果过了限定日期,未消费完的金额会自动清零,要再次充值并设置限定日期才能消费;
l 开始营业状态前先手动发送消费机配置和价格信息到窗口机上,开始营业后消费数据至电脑实时处理,可随时查看;
l 系统采用射频卡,数据库存放于系统主机,数据直接通过网络在收费机和主机之间完成;
l 通过系统发卡机完成用户卡发放、存款;
l 收费机完成消费收银。
l 可实行多任务、多系统、多数据库操作;
l 可利用局域网、广域网等多种网络平台进行组网运行;
l 网络工作站可根据需要任意扩展,每个工作站可带9999台收费机;
l 支持会员存款按比例赠送金额的功能,比例可自行设置;
l 支持限期消费模式,过期卡上数据自动清零;
l 支持自定义查询方式,统计报表可与任何数据库相连;
l 丰富的报表输出。可统计日刷卡记录、项目收入、月报汇总、月报明细、充值明细、房操作员、等定制报表。

