NIRQuest 光谱仪

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NIRQuest 光谱仪
If you utilize NIR spectroscopy for research, process or diagnostics, NIRQuest is a less costly, less complex alternative to FT-IR and comparable technologies.
NIRQuest delivers a high-performance optical bench with low-noise electronics and more grating options than we've ever offered.
This compact, multi-interface spectrometer is available in version for 900-1700 nm, 900-2050 nm, 900-2200 nm and 900-2500 nm.

NIRQuest's modular design delivers more customization for a wider variety of applications including medical diagnostics, pharmaceuticals analysis, environmental monitoring and process control.

NIRQuest for Laser Analysis
NIRQuest is versatile enough to be configured for high-resolution laser and optical fiber characterization. The NIRQuest delivers reliable optical resolution to <0.25 nm (FWHM) and is easily customized for your high-resolution spectral applications.

Thulium Fiber Laser
Courtesy of Townes Laser Institute at the University of Central Floridas College of Optics & Photonics

Turn NIRQuest into a Network Spectrometer
When purchased with the Remora Network Adapter users can communicate with the NIRQuest over Ethernet or Wi-Fi. Use with SpectraSuite Software, and turn your device into a network accessible spectrometer. Remotely capture spectral data from anywher Plus, Remora allows multiple users to access data and experiment settings without the need for additional equipment. Remora's web-interface works with all popular web browsers and allows you to monitor data from a PDA, iPhone, and most internet ready devices. - Learn more
 At a Glance
  NIRQuest512 NIRQuest512-2.2 NIRQuest256-2.1 NIRQuest256-2.5
Detector: Hamamatsu G9204-512 InGaAs linear array Hamamatsu G9204-512W InGaAs linear array Hamamatsu G9206-256 InGaAs linear array Hamamatsu G9208-256 InGaAs linear array
Detector Range: 850-1700 nm 900-2200 nm 900-2100 nm 900-2550 nm
Useable range1: 900-1700 nm 900-2200 nm 900-2050 nm 900-2500 nm
Pixels: 512 512 256 256
Pixel size: 25 m x 500 m 25 m x 250 m 50 m x 500 m 50 m x 500 m
Entrance aperture:
25 m wide slit (standard); also, custom options (10, 50, 100 or 200 m wide slits) or fiber (no slit)
25 m wide slit (standard); also, custom options (10, 50, 100 or 200 m wide slits) or fiber (no slit)
25 m wide slit (standard); also, custom options (50, 100 or 200 m wide slits) or fiber (no slit) 25 m wide slit (standard); also, custom options (50, 100 or 200 m wide slits) or fiber (no slit)
Fiber optic connector: SMA 905 SMA 905 SMA 905 SMA 905
Grating options (standard): Grating NIR3, 150 l/mm, 900-1700 nm Grating NIR2, 100 l/mm, 900-2050 nm Grating NIR2, 100 l/mm, 900-2050 nm Grating NIR1, 150 l/mm, 1075-2500 nm
Grating options (custom): Gratings NIR10, NIR11, NIR12, NIR13 and NIR14 Gratings NIR2, NIR3, NIR10, NIR11, NIR12 and NIR13 Gratings NIR2, NIR3, NIR10, NIR11, NIR12 and NIR13 Gratings NIR2, NIR3, NIR10, NIR11, NIR12 and NIR13
Longpass filter2: OF1-RG830 longpass NIR filter (optional) OF1-RG830 longpass NIR filter (optional) OF1-RG830 longpass NIR filter (optional) OF1-RG830 longpass NIR filter (optional)
Wavelength range: 900-1700 nm 
w/Grating NIR3
900-2150 nm 
w/Grating NIR2
900-2050 nm 
w/Grating NIR2
900-2500 nm 
w/Grating NIR1
Optical resolution (FWHM)3: ~3.1 nm w/25 m slit ~4.6 nm w/25 m slit ~7.6 nm w/25 m slit ~ 9.5 nm w/25 m slit
Signal-to-noise ratio at full signal4: >15000:1 @ 100 ms integration
>13000:1 @ 1000 ms integration
>10000:1 @ 100 ms integration 10000:1 @ 100 ms integration 7500:1 @ 10 ms integration
A/D resolution: 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit
Dark noise: 6 RMS counts @ 100 ms
12 RMS counts @ 
1000 ms
6 RMS counts @ 100 ms
12 RMS counts @ 
250 ms
6 RMS counts @ 100 ms
12 RMS counts @ 250 ms
8 RMS counts @ 10 ms
12 counts RMS @ 30 ms
Dynamic range: 15 x 10^6 (system); 5000:1 for a single acquisition 15 x 10^6 (system); 1000:1 for a single acquisition 5 x 10^6 (system); 5000:1 for a single acquisition 3  x 10^5  (system); 5000:1 for a single acquisition
Integration time5: 1 ms-10 seconds 1 ms-2000 ms 1 ms-2000 ms 1 ms-60 ms
Corrected linearity: >99.8% >99.8% >99.8% >99.8%
Computer interfaces:
USB 2.0 @ 480 Mbps; RS-232 (2-wire) @ 115.2 K baud
Wireless (Wi-Fi) interface:
Yes, with Remora adapter
Wi-Fi range:
25 meters in free space

1 Useable range?is defined in the context of the NIRQuest models detector response and its typical grating response. For example, the 512-element detector has response at 850 nm, but grating response begins at 900 nm. The G9206 256-element detector response is sensitive to TEC temperature, and has response only to 2050 nm when the TEC is set to -20 C. The G9208 256-element detector has response to 2550 nm, but the grating efficiency drops off at 2500 nm.
2 Other filter options are available for order-sorting in the NIRQuest256-2.1 and NIRQuest256-2.5. Please contact an Applications Scientist for details.
3 Optical resolution (FWHM) depends on grating and slit selection.
4 SNR will decrease at longer integration times.

5 Maximum integration times are defined as the longest amount of time one can integrate the spectrometer before the dark level rises to half of full scale.


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